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Phone: +49 2103 / 9442-0
Fax: +49 (2103) 94 42-21
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Commercial register: HRB 45062 registered office 40721 Hilden
Registration court: Düsseldorf
Vat No: DE 125 570 899
Fully liable partner:
GLOBUS - Drahtseil Gesellschaft mit beschränkter
Haftung, Düsseldorf (AG Düsseldorf HRB 45062)
The registered office of the company is Herderstr. 24, 40721 Hilden.
Management: Thomas Urban
Entrepreneurship: Sebastian Krüger, Arne Berheide
Legitmate reference - disclaimer
All published contributions at Globus Drahtseil GmbH & Co.KG are protected by copyright. All rights, even translations are reserved. Reproductions (photocopy, microfilm or registration of data processing equipment) only with written permission by Globus Drahtseil GmbH & Co.KG.
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